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2 - PRIX Stayerlopp

18h51 - 11 Runners - 7114 euros - 2640m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 SANDSJONS ARRAS 2640 H5 ELIAS Mar. LUGAUER Conrad 0a 0a 5a 5a (23) 0a
2 DANILO H.B. 2640 H5 UNTERSTEINER Joh. UNTERSTEINER Johan 0a 0a 2a 0a 0a 6a
3 AYAH DE LUX 2640 H3 BERGH Rob. BERGH Robert 7a 6a (22) 0a 3a 6a
4 PROSECCO 2640 H5 ASEN Jor. BALDER Carina 4a 4a 4a Qa (23) (22)
5 VISION FACE 2660 H3 JEPSON Car. J. LUBRANO Giuseppe 0a (22) 4a 4a 4a 4a
6 UNDER ARMOUR 2660 H4 LOVGREN Joa. LOVGREN Joakim 2a 0a 1a 5a 4a
7 POESI KLOSTER 2660 F5 ROSLEFF Vic. KRISTIANSSON Goran 5a 0a 0a 6a 0a 7a
8 WINE LANE 2660 F6 ZADEL Pet. GUDMUNDSSON Rune 0a 0a 0a 0a 4a (21)
9 THEBANKONBROADWAY 2660 F4 EKLUNDH And. ARONSSON Sofia 0a 6a 3a 3a (22) 0a
10 ROSSI GARLINE 2660 H4 JENSEN Fle. JENSEN Flemming Da 0a 2a 0a 0a Da
11 LUCIFER SAM 2660 H4 INGVES Pet. UNTERSTEINER Peter 0a 5a 3a 1a 3a 3a
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