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3 - PRIX Spartrappa

13h05 - 13 Runners - 2370 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 RISADINA 2140 F5 ADIN Ber. ADIN Bertil (22) Qa (21) (20) (19) 0a
2 DALE ODA 2140 F7 MANSSON C. MANSSON Christian Da 7a 4a 0a 5a 0a
3 BLAS LABAN 2140 H6 GUSTAFSSON Per LUNDMARK Kjell 0a 3a 0a 2a 7a 0a
4 GULLPAL 2140 H7 VIKLUND MME Mal. EITZENBERGER Eva 0a 0a 5a 5a 0a 5a
5 LOVINNA 2140 F6 LINDGREN MME Jes. LINDGREN Jessica 0a 5a 2a (18) 3a 2a
6 JARVSOGREJ 2140 H7 ERIKSSON Lei. HOLLSTROM Tage 4a 0a 1a 5a 3a 5a
7 WILD FAKSON 2140 H6 NASMAN Jan. NASMAN Janaxel 0a 2a Da 0a 6a 2a
8 JACKO POJKEN 2140 H9 NILSSON Rog. WIKSTROM Johan 0m 0a 5a 7a (20) 0a
9 ASKEHAUG KONGEN 2140 H8 OLOFSSON MME Han. RYDNINGEN Yvonne 0a 0a 0a 2a 2a 7a
10 VALER TROLL 2140 H14 OSTMAN Joh. SODERLUND Anders Da 0a (17) 0a Da Da
11 SILVER BRUNA 2140 F9 SODERHOLM Kri. OLOFSSON Sture 8a (19) 0a (18) Da 8a
12 VERTIGO KONGEN 2140 H6 LINDQVIST Ove A. RYDNINGEN Yvonne 7m (18) 0a 6a 9a 0a
13 JULIBLIXTEN 2140 H5 WIKSTROM Pet. WIKLUND-LOVBOM Camilla 0a 4m (21) 7m 5m 2m
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