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5 - PRIX Spartrappa

13h45 - 14 Runners - 1831 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 BETTY THRUST 2140 F4 ERIKSSON MME Ida ERIKSSON Ida 0a 6a 0a (19) 8a 4a
2 LOOK AT MY TAIL 2140 F5 KARLSSON Mag. S. STEEN Billy 7a 0a 0a 0a 8a 3a
3 BEFORE THE STORM 2140 H4 IVARSSON Morg. IVARSSON Morgan 8a (21) 0a 6a (17) 0a
4 GLORIUS MAN 2140 H6 LUNDE MME Mar. AHSBERG Kristina 9m 9m 9a Dm (18) Dm
5 SVARTSANGS MISSIE 2140 F5 GRANKVIST Kjell GRANKVIST Kjell 0a 0a 8a 3a 3a 0a
6 CIGGEN 2140 H4 GOOP Bjo. GOOP Bjorn 0a Da Da (16) Da 2a
7 CHIVAS B.M.W. 2140 H6 HULTMAN Mar. SKYMAN Jeanette Da Da 0a 7a Da Da
8 S.O.S.O'MALLEY 2140 H6 HEDBLOM Seb. ANDERSSON Susanne 0a Da 0a 7a (19) 8a
9 WITHOUTASIGN 2140 F5 ANDERSSON Mik. ANDERSSON Mikael J 0a 0a 0a 7a 2a 7a
10 ROBIN RAZZ TROT 2140 H4 WALLIN Ton. WALLSTEDT Ulrika 0a 6a 0a 0a 0a (19)
11 GOLDSTRIKE B.G. 2140 M4 MIKKELBORG Ola. MIKKELBORG Olav 11a 10a 11a 5a 6a 8a
12 TRY AGAIN 2140 F4 BERGLOF Eri. BERGLOF Erik Da 0a 3a 0a 1a Da
13 ONE MAGIC NEIL 2140 H4 NILSSON Per KARLSSON Ann-Christin 6a 6a 6a 6a 4a (20)
14 YOU'RE MY HEART 2140 F5 JEPSON Car. J. SVALA Maria 7a 0a 8a 7a 4a Da
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