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10 - PRIX

21h31 - 12 Runners - 3232 euros - 1609m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 FRENCH CALL 1609 F8 GUSTAFSSON Tob. J. HEDQVIST Jesper 0a 5a Da 5a (16) 5a
2 LITTLEMISSUNSHINE 1609 F5 LIND MME Joh. PETTERSSON Stefan P 0a 4a 0m 0a Da 4a
3 ALEC HORNLINE 1609 H7 SVANSTEDT Ric. SVANSTEDT Rickard 4m 4a (16) 6m 2m Dm
4 ADAMS PACE 1609 H6 KOLGJINI Lut. NORDMARK Christer 0a (18) 9a 7a 5a 0a
5 DONATO E. 1609 H5 OHLSSON Ulf STENSTROMER Ulf Da (18) Da Da Da 2a
6 PRINCE COBOL 1609 H7 JANSSON Tor. ROCKLINGER Bjorn 6a 0a 0a (17) 5a 4a
7 OLD FAITHFUL 1609 H9 JAKOBSSON Mag. GUSTAFSSON Berne Da 6a 0a 4a 1a 2a
8 ORBACKENS MARION 1609 F7 GOOP Bjo. SALMELA Petri Da Da 0a 0a 0a Da
9 CHATMAN 1609 H10 HELL MME Ker. HURTIG Malin 9a 5m 9a 8a 3a 8a
10 LOVE AIN'T EASY 1609 H6 JEPSON Car. J. ARONSSON Sofia 9a Da 6a 0a 3a Da
11 NASSER JET 1609 M9 KONTIO Jor. BJORK Sandra 0a 7a 0a 6a 5a 0a
12 FOREVER MIRACLE 1609 H7 LOFGREN Bjorn LOFGREN Bjorn 0a 0a 6a 6a 1a
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