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7 - PRIX Fordel Ston

20h00 - 11 Runners - 6035 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 KING ONLY THE ONE 2140 H6 PIETERS Dwi. TORNQVIST Maria 2m 1a 8a 1a 2a
2 PINGIS 2140 M5 SODERSTROM Car. SODERSTROM Carlos 1a 0a 1a 1a 7a 1a
3 LINCOLN ABE BOKO 2140 H6 CREBAS Han. CREBAS Hans 0a 0a 6a 1a 7a 4a
4 TRESEXTON 2140 H9 STENQUIST Nic. JAKOBSSON Rigmor 6a Da 0a 0a Da 8a
5 BRADY D.E. 2140 M7 PERSSON Ste. PERSSON Hakan K 5a 6a 2a 2a 3a Da
6 KICK THE DUST AS 2140 H8 CORDEAU Jul. BJORKQVIST Jan 0a 6a 5a 4a 5a 3a
7 KRON VICI STAR 2140 H6 ROSLEFF Vic. UNTERSTEINER Johan 2a Dm Dm 0a 4m 2a
8 VASCO DE GAMA 2140 H10 HENRIKSSON Jan ARMAN Jeanet 0a 0a Da 7m 0a 0m
9 FUSION EAGRA 2140 H4 EKLUNDH And. MARTINSSON Eric 4a 1a 0a 4a 3a 4a
10 BULL LOCK 2140 H9 DALBORG Tho. WALLGREN Mikael 4a 6a 4a 1a 1a 4a
11 BEAR AMARANTE 2140 H11 LARSSON Bo LARSSON Bo 0a 5a 0a 6m 6m 0a
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