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R1 - Z1 SWE-MANTORP - the MONDAY 27 APRIL 2020

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11 


18h42 - 11 Runners - 10286 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 COMAND 2140 H3 BERGH Rob. BERGH Robert Da 7a 8m 2a 7a 0a
2 SWEDEN SOBER 2140 H3 LENNARTSSON Per BERGH Robert 6a 6a 5a (23) 0a 5a
3 THAT'S IT 2140 H3 SVENSSON Cla. SVENSSON Claes 3a 3a 0a 6a Da
4 HOCKEY AM 2140 H3 DJUSE Mat. DJUSE Mattias 4a 5a 6a 3a 7a Da
5 STOR ZACKE 2140 H3 ZACKRISSON And. ZACKRISSON Anders 4a 2a 6a 3a 6a 0a
6 MIDNIGHT RUNNING 2140 F3 BERNTSSON MME Chr. SELIN Mikael 2a 0a 0a 0a 7a 3a
7 TASHERIT 2140 F3 BERG Fre. BERG Fredrik 4a 0a 4a 5a 0a Da
8 NADAL COGER 2140 H3 OHLSSON Ulf PERSSON Fredrik Da Da Da Da Da 4a
9 N.T.T.'S AVATAR 2140 H3 UNTERSTEINER Pet. ZUKANOVIC Admir Da 5a 5a (23) 4a 6a
10 AMIRAL LIMA 2140 H3 ERIKSSON Chr. WAERN Jonas 5a 4a (22) 8a 7a 8a
11 WATFORD BROLINE 2140 H3 ERIKSSON Kim. PETTERSSON Stefan P 0a Da Da 3a 1a Da
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