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9 - PRIX Stolopp - Summer Meeting Mares

21h15 - 11 Runners - 8330 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 DREAM OF MONEYD.E. 2140 F5 CREBAS Han. CREBAS Hans 1a 0a 0a 1a 3a 0a
2 EA 2140 F6 RASK J. RASK Jeppe 2a 1a 3a 2a 3a 4a
4 KROATIA BOKO 2140 F5 UHRBERG Tho. UHRBERG Thomas 0a (22) 1a 0a Da 1a
5 MILL CAVA 2140 F5 OHLSSON Ulf STENSTROMER Ulf 0a 5a 5a 4a 7a 8a
6 NYMKE BRIGADOON 2140 F5 GOOP Bjo. GOOP Bjorn 2m 6m 6m 6m 6a 0a
7 HUNTING WIDOW 2140 F5 DJUSE Mag. A. WESTHOLM Jorgen 0a 9m 6a 6a 4a 0a
8 DOWN TOWN GIRL 2140 F6 JUEL Jep. JUEL Jeppe 5a 6a 1a (21) 3a 1a
9 RUNAWAY DAY 2140 F5 UNTERSTEINER Joh. PERSSON Fredrik 0a 4a 0a 3a 1a 1a
10 HERA SISU 2140 F5 PERSSON Ste. EKLUNDH Andre 5a 6a 0a 1a 3a (21)
11 BYE BYE AGAIN 2140 F5 FORSS Mik. RIORDAN Jerry 0a (22) 2a 2a 0a 0a
12 TAITTINGER 2140 F5 OSCARSSON Kev. LINDGREN Marcus 0m 5m 0a 6a 0a 5a
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