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9 - PRIX Breddlopp - Monté

17h40 - 10 Runners - 1077 euros - 1640m - Monté Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 BEATRICE HORNLINE 1640 F6 ODDER MME Han. ANDERSSON Robert 0a Dm 6m Dm 8m 0m
2 MESHAN 1640 H4 LINDQVIST MME Hel. SUNDQVIST Sari 0a (21) 8a 7m 7m 0m
3 FRENCH FLAIR 1640 F6 ANDERSSON MME Mal. ANDERSSON Roger Z 0a 0a 0a (17) 0a 5a
4 CAYENNE BLAZE 1640 H7 STRANDBERG MME Joa. HINTERLACH Gunilla 8a 8a 0a 0a (18) 0a
5 RITMO P.D. 1640 H8 JENSEN MME Kri. DAMBERG Per 0a 4a Da (16) 4m 6m
6 HOT COLLECTION 1640 F4 PETTERSSON MME Eli. HEBESTREIT Madelene (21) 5m 0a 0a 5a 0m
7 PORTSATTERS HERO 1640 H8 JOHANSSON MME Mal. H. OLSSON Fredrik 6m Dm 0m 3m 0a 0a
8 RENOIR BI 1640 H6 FLODIN MME Jes. SVENSSON Lennart 6m 0a 0a 5a 5a 3a
9 FALCO MAHAVI 1640 H6 ERIKSSON Linda M HULTGREN Anders 8a 8a 4a 7a (18) 0a
10 ASKHULTS ANDERS 1640 H7 WERDER MME S. VIRDHAGE Josefine 0a 0a 7a 1a 8m 5m
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