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5 - PRIX DubbelCupen - Spartrappa

15h22 - 11 Runners - 10343 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 OSS CAN 1640 M8 KYLIN-BLOM Osk. CANNERYD Lovisa 0a 0a 0a 5a Da (23)
2 FAKS ODIN N.O. 1640 M7 MIDTFJELD Per. O. KILLINGMO Erik 3a 4a 1a 6a (23) 2a
3 RAMSTAD KRISTIAN 1640 M9 SJOSTROM Cla. OPHEIM Andreas 10a 8a 2a 0a 10a 2a
4 FANTOMET 1640 M8 REIME BAKKEVOLD Ove THYGESEN Jenny Da 7a 0a 2a 4a 3a
5 HAGA MODDE 1640 M10 PERSSON Hak. K. PERSSON Hakan 0a 8a 3m 0a 5a 2a
6 SOL STORM 1640 H7 LENNARTSSON Per FORSLIN Hanna 4a 2a 0a 0a 0a 0a
8 BJORS BALDER 1640 M5 DJUSE Mat. E. PERSSON Jan-Olov 5a 4a 2a 3a 5a 0a
9 KAJSAS TURE 1640 H12 OSTERBERG MME S. OSTERBERG Susanne 3a 7a 5a 5a 4a 7a
10 ANGSBRAGE 1640 H7 OLSEN Jan O. OLSEN Jan Ove 0a 0a 7a 4a 8a 4a
11 SIPPSON 1640 H12 GOOP Bjo. ROSEN Lars 6a 0a 6a 0a 0a 0a
12 FINNSKOG NOX 1640 M11 KULBLIK Hen. KULBLIK Henrik 4m 6a 6a 4a 5a
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