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Z11 SWE-ABY - the THURSDAY 30 JUNE 2022

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

1 - PRIX Mindyourvalue W.F.- Montélopp - Fordel ston

18h20 - 10 Runners - 9045 euros - 1640m - Monté Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 MISS IRMA 1640 F4 CARRE Jon. GOOP Bjorn Am Da 9a (23) Dm 5a
2 DOLLY DREAM 1640 F6 JAKOBSSON MME Jon. EDSBERGER Hakan 0m 4a 3m 6a 2m (22)
3 WORTH A LOT 1640 F8 ERIXON MME Ann. BIANCHI Riccardo 3m 0m 3m 0a 0a (21)
4 TEQUILA L.L. 1640 F5 AHO MME I. FORSSELL Anna 8m 7m 6a 0a 4m 0a
5 HARRY DYNAMIT 1640 H7 PERSSON MME Bea. PERSSON Beata 3m (23) 7m 3m 8m 4m
6 O'BOY 1640 H7 ANDERSSON MME Jul. DAHL Stefan 0a Dm 0m 0m Dm (23)
7 LA PLUS BELLE 1640 F6 LEO MME Emi. PERSSON David 5a 5a 7a 3a 4m 0a
8 BLACK IN BLACK 1640 F5 OSCARSSON MME Jen. L. FIORE Christian 8a 6a 5a 0a 0a 4m
9 NIKITA VRIJTHOUT 1640 F5 KOLLE MME Hel. HENRIKSEN Per (22) 4m 1m 1m 0a 0a
10 MAJORS CORONA 1640 F7 PETTERSSON MME Eli. GUSTAFSSON Tord 0m 0a 6m 5a (22) 0m
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