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3 - PRIX Parrandero Plicck

- 9 Runners - 3211 - Flat - Condicional - Female 3 years - 1000m. (PSF)

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable Weight Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 SWEET DOR {URU} 56 F3 Diego N. Píriz DOMINGO STENGONE 8p 8p (21) 4p 4p
2 SPLASH {URU} 56 F3 EUGUI Heb. F. WALTER J. FEDERICO (22) 7p (21) 1p 5p
3 GATA CARMELA {URU} 56 F3 PIRIZ Fed. F. RAMON V. PERALTA 6p 5p 7p 9p (22) 0p
4 JARDIN DE FONDO {URU} 56 F3 WALDEMAR M. Ruben A. Romero 0p 3p 5p (21) 2p 2p
5 XUXA PLAY {URU} 56 F3 RODRIGUEZ Wil. E. Angel E. Barbosa (22) 7p 5p 1p 2p 4p
6 ARAUCARIA {BRZ} 56 F3 VIGIL Car. A. Julliano Viana 0p
7 MALAS JUNTAS {URU} 56 F3 TRIAS MME Mir. E. MIGUEL A. BARBOZA (23) 0p 0p (22) 0p (21)
8 MINT JULEP {URU} 56 F3 RODRIGUEZ Pab. PABLO G. GONZALEZ 0p (22) 0p (21) 1p 3p
9 DELICIOUS MOON {URU} 56 F3 NUNEZ Mat. E. Hebert A. Pereira 0p 5p 6p (21) 5p 7p
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