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6 - PRIX Securitas - STL Diamantstoet

16h42 - 15 Runners - 21701 euros - 2640m - Attelé Volte - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 MOLLY VICI 2640 F5 MIFSUD Tyl. ANDERSSON Micael 0a 0a 1a 5a 6a 0a
2 EMMA JET 2640 F4 ROTHENGATTER Mic. F. ROTHENGATTER Michel F 5a 1a 3a 2a (23) 5a
3 PEAK PRINCESS 2640 F6 LOVGREN Joa. LOVGREN Joakim 0a Da Da 1a 2a 0a
4 CHOCOLICIOUS 2640 F5 JOHANSSON Gus. MADSEN Thomas Da 0a 0a 1a 6a 0a
5 WALKYRIA W.F. 2640 F5 JONSSON Lar. HANSSON Susanne 2a 3a 0a 6a 5a 1a
6 OHH TOOMA 2640 F6 KIHLSTROM Orj. REDEN Daniel 0a 0a 6a (23) 1a 1a
7 CHERI CHERI LADY 2660 F6 GOOP Bjo. ENGSTROM Gorel 5a 1a 7a 2a 0a (23)
8 POWER VACATION 2660 F8 JEPSON Car. J. JOHANSSON Johanna 4a 8a 2a 8a 1a (23)
9 BOLD FACE 2660 F5 KOLGJINI Adr. KOLGJINI Adrian 3a 3a 4a 1a 2a (23)
10 GARDEN LEAVE 2660 F6 UNTERSTEINER Pet. UNTERSTEINER Johan Da Da 0a (23) 0a 3a
11 BIKANA WINE 2660 F5 UNTERSTEINER Joh. UNTERSTEINER Johan 8a 5a (23) 0a 5a Da
12 NYCORA 2660 F5 SVEDBERG Mar. B. SVEDBERG Markus B 0a 2a 3a 2a (23) 0a
13 DANCING DAYS 2660 F5 ECCE Ken WERDER Stephanie J 0a 6a 0a 7a 3a 8a
14 URBINA SOUTHWIND 2660 F5 ADIELSSON Eri. FLINK IDEBORN Viktor 6a 0a 1a 1a 0a (23)
15 BEAWINNER 2660 F6 UHRBERG Tho. LORENTZEN Jorgen 5a Da 3a 2a 5a Da
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