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Race Time Runners
flat Boost Your Acca At BetMGM Nursery 14h12 12
12048€ - Flat Handicap - 2 years - 1442m - Race track F - Piste AllWeather
flat Best Odds Guaranteed At BetMGM EBF 'Confined' Restricted Novice Stakes (GBB Race) 14h50 6
7952€ - Flat - 2 years - 1026m - Race track E - Piste AllWeather
flat 30 In Free Bets With BetUK Handicap 15h25 12
10843€ - Flat Handicap - 3 years and plus - 3331m - Race track F - Piste AllWeather
flat Gamble Responsibly At BetUK Handicap 16h00 7
18795€ - Flat Handicap - 3 years and plus - 1907m - Race track C - Piste AllWeather
flat BetUK: It's Where The UK Bets Handicap 16h35 10
10843€ - Flat Handicap - 3 years and plus - 1907m - Race track F - Piste AllWeather
flat Free Bets With BetUK Bet Club Handicap 17h05 6
30361€ - Flat Handicap - 3 years and plus - 2462m - Race track B - Piste AllWeather
flat BetMGM: It's Showtime Handicap 17h35 12
18795€ - Flat Handicap - 3 years and plus - 1442m - Race track C - Piste AllWeather
flat Win 1M With BetMGM's Golden Goals Handicap (Div 1) 18h05 12
10843€ - Flat Handicap - 3 years and plus - 1442m - Race track F - Piste AllWeather
flat Win 1M With BetMGM's Golden Goals Handicap (Div 2) 18h40 12
10843€ - Flat Handicap - 3 years and plus - 1442m - Race track F - Piste AllWeather
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