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Race Time Runners
obstacle CITSU Maiden Hurdle 5
9505€ - Fences- 4 and 5 years- 3200m
obstacle UCC Horse Racing Society Hurdle 6
14623€ - Fences- 4 years and More- 3200m
obstacle CIT Raise And Give Handicap Hurdle 14
7311€ - Fences Handicap- 4 years and More- 3200m
obstacle UCC Goes Racing Maiden Hurdle 5
9505€ - Fences- 5 years and More- 4000m
obstacle CIT Cream Of The Crop 9
8043€ - Fences Handicap- 4 years and More- 4000m
obstacle UCC Don't Step On The Crest Handicap Hurdle 8
13161€ - Fences Handicap- 5 years and More- 4800m
obstacle Racing Home For Easter Festival April 15th - 17th 5
7311€ - Steeplechase- 4 a 7 years- 3200m
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