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1 - PRIX Claiming

- 5 Runners - 36936 - Flat - Claiming - 3 years and plus - 1100m. (PSF)

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 LOST AND CONFUSED {USA} H3 54.5 Mychel J. Sanchez JAMIE NESS 1
Orig.: Social Inclusion - Violent Danger 2p
2 WICKLINE {USA} M4 54 Ismerio Villalobos ANDRES GARIBAY 2
Orig.: Twirling Candy - Mercurial 1p 2p 5p
5 BUCKIN' DREAMER {USA} H3 52.5 Tais Lyapustina JOANNE SHANKLE 5
Orig.: Imagining - Kip Berries 2p 3p 6p 1p 1p 2p 3p 5p 9p 3p 3p
8 FULL IRISH {USA} H4 55.5 Victor R. Carrasco LACEY GAUDET 8
Orig.: Irish War Cry - To Give 1p 1p 3p 1p (23) 1p 2p 2p
9 P MONEY {USA} M4 55.5 Jeiron Barbosa ANTHONY FARRIOR 9
Orig.: Central Banker - Colonel Jen 1p 2p 4p 4p 4p (23) 1p 3p (22) 8p
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