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- 10 Runners - $6,630 - Attelé - 1609 mètres - Départ à l'autostart

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A distance Jockey Trainer   Winnings
1 SUR LE FEU H9 1609 J E Taaffe G S Brown
Orig.: Courage Under Fire Nz - Hoshi Bromac (nz) (20) 8a 6a 2a 4a 4a 4a
2 LACEYS LAD H6 1609 M A Callaghan M A Callaghan
Orig.: Lis Mara Usa - Van Seraa (nz) (20) 8a 4a 1a 1a 2a 6a 9a 3a
3 CHEVRONS REWARD F6 1609 B J Hughes C J Harmey
Orig.: Rocknroll Hanover Usa - C C Lobell (nz) (20) 10a 5a 1a 6a 9a 3a 1a
4 DON BOSTON H12 1609 J P Bates B R Abbott
Orig.: Ponder Usa - Full Pleasure (20) 3a 4a 8a 10a 9a 5a
5 DAYS END H9 1609 B J Elder M S Elder
Orig.: Dawn Ofa New Day Usa - Starong Star (20) 4a 4a 2a 5a
6 BLACK SILHOUETTE F6 1609 J A Callaghan S R Dimarco
Orig.: Shadow Play Usa - The Coldstream Nz (20) 3a 8a 5a
7 PLATA O PLOMO H8 1609 T M Ison R E Roots Jnr
Orig.: Rob Roy Mattgregor Usa - Gipsy Moth (nz) (20) 2a 9a 7a 9a
8 EXPRESSIONIST H11 1609 A M Hart S T Sanderson
Orig.: Live Or Die Usa - Especial Franco (nz) (20) 9a 6a 2a 4a 9a 5a 4a
9 SMOKIN BY H6 1609 N S Xuereb C A Cross
Orig.: Mach Three Ca - Flo Jo (nz) (20) 10a 9a 1a 3a 9a
10 KID MONTANA H6 1609 C L Shepherdson P J Shepherdson
Orig.: Rock N Roll Heaven Usa - Same Action (20) 3a 3a 2a 4a 1a 1a 1a
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