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7 - Prix Hollywoodbets CAPE GUINEAS

14h57 - 10 Runners - 105152 - Flat - 1600m - Race track A - (Herbe) Corde à gauche

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 ONE STRIPE {SAF} M3 60 LERENA G. Vaughan Marshall 1
Orig.: One World - Silver Stripe 1p 2p 1p 1p 1p 5p cotes zeturf 1.5
2 GREAT PLAINS {SAF} H3 60 VAN NIEKERK G. Justin Snaith 2
Orig.: Danon Platina (jpn) - Mara 1p 4p 10p 1p 1p 1p 9p cotes zeturf 13.8
3 ON MY HONOUR {SAF} H3 60 LITTLE C. Glen Kotzen 3
Orig.: Gimmethegreenlight (aus) - On My Mind (ire) 5p 1p 1p 1p 2p cotes zeturf 60.9
4 HEATHER'S BOY {SAF} M3 60 ZACKEY C. Mike de Kock 4
Orig.: Rafeef (aus) - Folk Dance 1p 1p 1p cotes zeturf 4.7
5 BJORN IRONSIDE {SAF} H3 60 WRIGHT G. J A Janse van Vuuren 5
Orig.: Gimmethegreenlight (aus) - Dance At Dawn 6p 2p 3p 2p 1p 2p (23) 3p cotes zeturf 58.9
6 EIGHT ON EIGHTEEN {SAF} M3 60 FOURIE R. Justin Snaith 6
Orig.: Lancaster Bomber (usa) - Sempre Libre 3p 1p 1p 3p 2p cotes zeturf 8.5
7 O'TENIKWA {SAF} H3 60 ORFFER C. Andre Nel 7
Orig.: Vercingetorix - Kwitizina 1p 9p 3p 1p 2p 1p cotes zeturf 56.2
8 BOUNDLESS ENERGY {SAF} M3 60 DOMEYER A. Candice Bass-Robinson 8
Orig.: Vercingetorix - Bella Spumante 2p 1p 1p 3p cotes zeturf 16.9
9 SAIL THE SEAS {SAF} M3 60 J P v'd Merwe Justin Snaith 9
Orig.: Vercingetorix - Sail 1p 1p 8p 1p 2p cotes zeturf 22.4
10 ALL OUT FOR SIX {SAF} M3 60 VEALE S. Vaughan Marshall 10
Orig.: One World - Howl 2p 3p 2p 1p 1p 4p 9p cotes zeturf 22.0
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