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8 - PRIX Presto Brandsakerhet - Ung i Norr, fyraaringslopp - Spartrappa

14h49 - 5 Runners - 6529 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A distance Jockey Trainer   Winnings
1 BAROLO GENE M4 2140 NILSSON Rog. Nilsson Roger 8106 €
Orig.: Maharajah - B.R.Char's Flicka 4a 5a 3a 5a 4a 4a 0a Da 2a (23) 8a 0a 5a
2 LOUIS H4 2140 NORBERG Jan. Bergh Robert 8899 €
Orig.: Bold Eagle - Red Red Red 5a 0a 7a 3a 1a 4a 5a 0a Aa 0a 6a 0a
3 LAVICII BOKO H4 2140 MELANDER Mic. LAESTANDER Gabriella 10307 €
Orig.: Yarrah Boko - Polly Frontline 8a 0a 0a 3a 6a 7a 7a Dm 4a 3a 0a Da
4 LOVE BASS F4 2140 ERIKSSON MME San. V. Lennartson Soren 13479 €
Orig.: Super Photo Kosmos - Love De Luxe 0a 0a 7a 5a Da 1a 4a (23) 0a 0a 7a Da 4a
5 TWINS LILY F4 2140 SODERHOLM Kri. Lennartson Soren 14738 €
Orig.: Orlando Vici - Jasmin As 7a 0a 0a 4a 6a 0a 3a 0a (23) 0a 2a 2a
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