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R2C3 - Prix DonauTV

12h10 - 11 Runners - 4.500 Attelé 1.925m Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
2 FLORIAN FRICK G. 1925 H17 7a 6a 5a Da 3a 7.4 20.9 99 39.3 45.1
3 BINGO RICARDO PRILLER J. 1925 H16 8a 8a (18) 11a 9a 30 113.8 20 94.4 91
4 QUERYS ALESIO BIENDL G. 1925 H11 (19) 3a 4a 4a 6a 4.4 2.3 1.9 2.5 2.1
5 DAVID AS HERRNREITER W. 1925 H12 (22) 9a 6a 6a 6a 12 11.6 3.1 5 7.1
6 GRI POWER JET TUSCHER H. 1925 H12 7a 6a 4a 6a 6a 10 26.7 54.3 20.2 19.5
7 JAMORI SCHAMBECK M.W. 1925 M14 10a 6a 6a 11a 2a 66 183.7 99 76.4 93.8
8 CRIS VAN CAMSTRA RASCHAT MME S. 1925 H15 7a 6a 9a 9a 8a 37 300 99 62.6 89.6
10 ASTASIA DU VIVIER SCHILLER And. 1925 F14 Da 1a Da 3a 3a 8.9 16 18.1 8.4 12.2
11 ERAS BEUCKENSWIJK HALLER R. 1925 H13 (18) 4a 2m Da 2a 7.4 3.3 10 6.8 5.8
12 FEDERER TRANSS R ALTMANN M. 1925 H12 5a (20) 3a 5a 2a 12 6 11.1 5 4.7
13 GIORDANO STROBL A. 1925 H16 7m 6a 5a 6a 7a 66 87.4 99 78.2 91.8
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