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R2C2 - Prix Commander Crowe

12h05 - 13 Runners - 4500 Euros - Attelé - 2100 mètres - Départ à l'autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 OSTWIND BO BOCK M. 2100 H6 5m 9a 2a 3a (23) 6.1 14.9 45 20 20
2 SCULLY VICTORY AS (D4) BRUSTEN D. 2100 F7 9a 4a 3a (21) 6a 88 52.8 99 15 15
3 COME ON LADY (Dp) OPPOLI R. 2100 F9 Da 3a Da 8a (21) 61 81.6 10 28 28
4 WATERWALK BG KLOSS D. 2100 H8 8a 5a 7a (22) Da 40 97.6 53 72 72
5 SPEEDWAY THIRRING J. 2100 H7 8a Da 3a 7a 7a 59 46.8 20 48 48
6 FINCH HATTON TU POOLS Hen. J. 2100 H8 7a 5a 10a 2a 5a 4.5 22.3 22 51 51
7 MIREIJE CHARISMA DEN DUBBELDEN D. 2100 F5 6a 6a 4a 4m 2m 61 35.3 22 41 41
8 KAMPALA NEWPORT (Da) NIMCZYK M. 2100 F7 6a 4a Da 1a 1a 11 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.4
9 BEBI ROYAL MIERAS J. 2100 F8 7a 6a (23) 6a 5a 6.1 10.5 5.8 13 13
10 KLAASSEN BOKO (Da) JONGEJANS N. 2100 H7 7a 7a 8a 4a 8a 6.3 19.9 99 16 16
11 JACAJORO JC WESTENBRINK J. 2100 H8 6a Aa 2a Da Da 58 77.4 31 74 74
12 KINGSTON RENKA SCHWARMA T. 2100 M7 Da Da 8a 2a 0a 70 204.2 106 82 82
13 HELL CAT OFFERINGA J. 2100 H7 6a Da 6a 5a 6a 12 12.9 8.5 11 11
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