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R7 - Z7 SWE-AMAL - the WEDNESDAY 02 JUNE 2021

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

R7C5 - PRIX Stolopp

20h05 - 11 Runners - 13715 euros - 2080m - Attelé Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 THAI DAENERYS RENNESVIK Erl. 2080 F7 4m 0a 5a 5a 5a 4.7
2 THE FASTLOVE GOOP Bjo. 2080 F7 (21) 4a 3a 6a 7a 3.8
3 HALLE WESTWOOD EHLERS Jim. 2080 F7 Da 0a 8a 0a (23) 57.2
4 UBERTY FACE PERSSON Ste. 2080 F8 7a 6a Da 2a 2a 33.1
5 SWEETY CASH S.W. KYLIN-BLOM Osk. 2080 F7 Da 6a 0a 1a 1a 3.9
6 DEVS DANDELION DJUSE Mat. 2080 F7 0a 8m Dm 3m 0a 9
7 RUNKEEPER M.J. GUSTAFSSON Tob. J. 2080 F9 0a 1m 0a 8a 8a 7.6
8 STARO KITTY ANDERSSON Osk. J. 2080 F11 0a (22) 4a 0a Da 50.4
9 THE FIRST LADY OSTRE Ole J. 2080 F7 0a 0a 3a 0a (22) 52.5
11 T.WALL'S JOPLIN JEPSON Car. J. 2080 F8 8m 0m 1m 5m (21) 11.6
12 QUEEN AV YORK ANDERSSON Mik. 2080 F8 Da Da 6a 0a (21) 39.3
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