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R9C9 - PRIX STL Klass II, Forsok 10 i meeting 3

16h29 - 11 Runners - 20380 euros - 2000m - Attelé Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 VENTURE CAPITAL NIMCZYK M. 2000 M7 Da 5a (22) 4a (21) 15 7.6
2 BADOGLIO LUIS GOCCIADORO A. 2000 M7 9a (23) 8a Da Da 17 16.5
3 STARO OBRIGADO JUUL Ste. 2000 H7 0a 12a 2a 5a 5a 21 6.2
4 ALLEVIL REK PERSSON Ste. 2000 M8 0a 0a Da 0a 7a 22 47
5 BODY N SOUL LENDERS M. 2000 M7 2m 6a 5m 2m 6a 22 6.9
6 BANDIT P L SEJER Chr. 2000 H11 7a (21) 0a 0a Qa 68 38.2
7 EDENS BOY VAN RIJN Jaa. 2000 H9 7a 3a 7a 5a 1a 2.3 1.9
8 JOKER OF STEEL UNTERSTEINER Joh. 2000 H8 6a 1a 8a 5a 1a 25 27.7
9 JULNICK SHARK TESSELAAR D.P. 2000 H9 8a 2a 8m 3m (23) 103 24.4
11 FREDDY BOY RASK J. 2000 H7 4a 4a 0m 0a 5a 101 61.1
12 FONSECA JORGENSEN Bir. 2000 H7 4a 6a 0a 1a 3m 4.6 122.3
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