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5 - PRIX E3 Uttagningslopp - Ston - Presenteras av Agria Djurforsakring och YesBox

19h52 - 11 Runners - 20182 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 BE SOBER OHLSSON Ulf 2140 F5 6a 5a 4a 0a 6a 40 12.3
2 SPARKLING NIGHT SODERBERG Lar. G. 2140 F5 0a 0a 4a 5a 4a 82 77.2
3 TELLMENOW OSCARSSON Jim 2140 F5 3a 5a 3a 3a 2a 22 28
4 JOLI MEARAS LEO MME Emi. 2140 F5 2a 5a 3a 5a 6a 2.4 22
5 DECISION MAKER DJUSE Mat. E. 2140 F5 3a 1a 6a 4a 0a 10 7.9
6 AVA DI ALESSIA FORSS Mik. 2140 F5 0a (22) Da 18 4.3
7 HURLYBURLY GOOP Bjo. 2140 F5 0a 7a 1a 0a 3a 113 102.9
8 LA DONNA BERGH Rob. 2140 F5 3a Da 3a 2a 7a 87 102.9
9 KAYLA WESTWOOD JEPSON Car. J. 2140 F5 0a 0a 6a 5a 0a 5.9 3.5
10 DOROTHEA MIL KIHLSTROM Orj. 2140 F5 8a 0a 0a Da 1a 9 3.7
11 BUTTERFLY FACE ADIELSSON Eri. 2140 F5 (22) 0a 6a 0a 5a 19 16.2
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