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R1C6 - PRIX STL Klass II, Final

16h42 - 11 Runners - 42429 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 IKAROS DI QUATTRO CREBAS Han. 2140 H9 2a 5a 0a 0a 2a 103 26.7 24 20 28
2 BOTTNAS FANTOM (D4) KONTIO Jor. 2140 H9 6a 0a 1a 3a 3a 28 7.4 99 5.9 8.2
3 MARTIN TOOMA (Da) OSCARSSON Kev. 2140 H8 3a 1a 1a 1a 1a 16 10.4 66 7.3 7.7
4 FATHER OF SUN (Da) LEO MME Emi. 2140 H9 2a 4a 8a 0a 3m 16 17 66 16 17
5 KING OF EVERYTHING SVENSSON Cla. 2140 M8 0a 0a 0a 2a (23) 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.8 1.5
6 G.R.J.'S WOLVERINE (D4) ERIKSSON Kim. 2140 H10 0a 5m 3m 6a 0m 68 35 99 19 23
7 ACE TO PLAY (D4) LINDBERG Isa. 2140 H9 Dm 3a 6a 4a 2a 26 21.9 99 20 24
8 CAYUCOS (D4) HENRIKSSON Jan 2140 H9 0a 0a 0a 4a 0a 112 45 99 42 57
9 TAKATA NILSSON Hen. 2140 H12 0a 0a (21) 0a 0a 111 73.4 99 43 66
10 VEAMS BENELLI (D4) JEPSON Car. J. 2140 F9 0a 0a 8a 0a 1a 88 46 99 52 69
12 ROYAL T.N. (D4) SKOGLUND Rik. N. 2140 H9 8a 6a 7a 8a 6a 107 34.1 99 31 19
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