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Z11 SWE-ABY - the THURSDAY 29 JULY 2021

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

8 - PRIX Knutsson Rising Star Cup 2021 - Stolopp - Omgang 5 - K200

21h33 - 10 Runners - 8981 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 KARIBEAN DREAMS HALME MME Hen. 2140 F8 Da 5a 2a 0a 2a 26 11.5
3 CHILI JORDAN OSCARSSON Jon. 2140 F13 0a 2a 7a 0a 1a 21 13.4
4 OMEGA SUPERSTAR KNUTSSON Ant. 2140 F8 4a 0a 6a Da 4a 7.5 2.6
5 BRILJANT SENSATION BARDUN Jon. 2140 F8 0a 5a 5a 0a 5m 11 11.5
6 ESTA AHO MME I. 2140 F10 4a 4m 0m 4a 0a 5.3 13.4
7 MAJORS CORONA CARLSSON Eli. 2140 F9 0m 0a 6m 5a (22) 18 62.1
8 GLOBAL BENCHMARK OLSSON Kla. 2140 F7 2a Da 6a 5a 5a 75 6.2
9 AMORE BELLO HELM Sim. 2140 F8 7a 3a 2a 5a Da 6 9.9
10 BRING ME WINE JOHANSSON Gus. 2140 F7 0a 4a 4a 0a 6a 13 6.3
12 CARLOS STEPHANIE NIMAKER MME Lee 2140 F9 Da Da 0a 6a 0a 34 62.1
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