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R6 - Z6 SPA-SON PARDO - the FRIDAY 29 JULY 2016

Race Time Runners
trot Semifinal A Torneig TF 2016 17h45 16
6.000 Attel‚ 2.650m Autostart
trot Premi Omni Maker Sb 18h15 16
5.000 Attel‚ 2.650m Autostart
trot Premi Cabourg 18h45 16
5.000 Attel‚ 2.150m Autostart
trot Semifinal B Torneig TF 2016 19h15 16
6.000 Attel‚ 2.650m Autostart
trot Premi Bufon 20h01 16
5.000 Attel‚ 2.650m Autostart
trot Premi Brisa d'Arbos 20h28 16
5.000 Attel‚ 2.150m Autostart
trot Premi Truman 20h55 16
5.000 Attel‚ 2.150m Autostart
trot Premi Masvich 21h22 16
5.000 Attel‚ 2.150m Autostart
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