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R10 - Z10 URU-MARONAS - the SUNDAY 31 MARCH 2024

Race Time Runners
flat PRIX Alvaro Vargas Guillemette 19h30 6
17146€ - Flat - - Male - 1200m. - Herbe - Corde a Gauche
flat PRIX Enjoy (2017) 20h00 11
9069€ - Flat - Male - 1400m. - Dirt - Corde a Gauche
flat PRIX Holy Legal (2018) 20h25 7
8899€ - Flat - Female - 4 years and More - 2000m. - Herbe - Corde a Gauche
flat PRIX Sub Princess (2019) 20h55 11
11990€ - Flat - Handicap - 3 years and More - 1600m. - Herbe - Corde a Gauche
flat PRIX Rainha Pionera (2021-2022) 21h25 14
9432€ - Flat - Female - 1400m. - Dirt - Corde a Gauche
flat PRIX Jose Shaw 21h55 5
13482€ - Flat - Listed - Female - 3 years and More - 1000m. - Dirt - Corde a Gauche
flat PRIX Girona Fever (2023) 22h25 11
11270€ - Flat - Male - 1300m. - Dirt - Corde a Gauche
flat PRIX Eduardo A. Pons 22h55 9
17146€ - Flat - - Female - 1200m. - Herbe - Corde a Gauche
flat PRIX Blanco Pillo (2022) 23h25 10
6123€ - Flat - Female - 4 years and More - 1200m. - Dirt - Corde a Gauche
flat 10  PRIX Majestic Boy (2023) 23h55 11
8586€ - Flat - Male - 1100m. - Dirt - Corde a Gauche
flat 11  PRIX Cuanto Te Quiero (2022) 00h25 10
5197€ - Flat - 5 years and More - 1300m. - Dirt - Corde a Gauche
flat 12  PRIX Electra Fever (2023) 00h55 14
8037€ - Flat - Male - 1300m. - Dirt - Corde a Gauche
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