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- 10 Runners - 45500 Nok - Attelé - 1600 mètres - Départ à l'autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
JUGGHAR BOKO 1600 H5 ERGA Tom Tom Erga 3m 0a 2m 0m 6a 0m
ENOUGH GENIUS 1600 H5 Roar Hop Rolf Tvedt 5a 6a 5a (23) 0a 0a
LOVING LIANA 1600 F6 HAUGE Lar. T. Lars Tore Hauge 4a 4a 6a 5a (23) 8a
FANCY JUNIOR 1600 H10 AUSTEVOLL Oyv. Øyvind Austevoll 0a 0a 5a 6a 0a (22)
LESOTHO PROMISE 1600 H4 Pal Buer Pal Buer 0a 0a (22) 0a 6a 0a
MABEL'S DREAM 1600 F5 HAVARDSTUN Hak. Hakon Havardstun 0a 0a 4a 0a Da 0a
SUGAR FINE LADY 1600 F5 TVEDT Rol. Rolf Tvedt 0a Da 8a (23) 0a 8a
GOLIATH B.R. 1600 H7 HAMRE Roa. Lars Tore Hauge Da Da 6a 2a Da 6a
HOOT MON AMOUR 1600 F7 WASSBERG Ove Ove Wassberg 0a 0a 0a 3a 0a 0a
MY HURRICANE 1600 H8 DALEN Dag S. Bergsvein Bendiksen 7a 7a 8a (23) Da 0a
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