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NOR-BIRI - the SUNDAY 28 MAY 2023

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

7 - PRIX Kallblodslopp

21h05 - 11 Runners - 3744 euros - 2100m - Attelé Autostart - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 FINNSKOG ZOLAN 2100 H5 KULBLIK Hen. Kulblik Henrik 10a Aa 8a Da 0a 1a
2 LOSET TEDDY 2100 H8 HOITOMT Eir. Harviken Eldar 4a Da Da (23) Da Da
3 MJOLNER HERA 2100 F6 Bjorn Steinseth OPSETH Elen Marie 8a (23) 0a 5a 6a 0a
4 SONDRE STORM 2100 H10 Geir Vegard Gundersen SVENKERUD BjOrn 0a 0a 0a 6a 3a 0a
5 VIMO ODIN 2100 H6 STENSEN A. H. RUGSVEEN Vidar 2a 4a 6a 10a 1a 3a
6 HORG FAXEN 2100 H7 Patrick Larsen HORGEN Unni Hallquist 2a 1a 2a 10a 1a 1a
7 TORE TANG 2100 H10 MIKKELBORG Ola. CHRISTIANSEN Linda My Da 3a Da 5a 3a 5a
8 VIMSE SINDRE 2100 H10 DROLSUM Vem. M. NESER Marte Skrugstad 5a 0a Dm 0a 2m
9 SATRI O.K. 2100 F7 Øyvind Ruttenborg RUTTENBORG Øyvind 5a 5m 4m 4a 2a
10 TORO TEDDY 2100 H7 AUSTEVOLL Gun. LUNDE Jo Dm 2a 3a 11a 2a Da
11 VESLE TORA 2100 F6 STEINE Bjo. RUTTENBORG Øyvind 0a 3a (23) 6m 0a 6a
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