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3 - PRIX Spartrappa

13h02 - 11 Runners - 8586 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 LINE SELECT Da 2140 F4 OHLSSON Ulf MELANDER Stefan (20) 0a (19) Da 0a 4a
2 ALL FOR ONE D4 2140 H5 NORMAN Pet. G. NORMAN Peter G 0a 8a 0a 2a 2a (19)
3 BOTTNAS FUTURE Dp 2140 F4 HAUGSTAD Ken. WALMANN Roger 6a 3a Da 3a 1a 4a
4 DIGITAL SPEAKER Da 2140 F4 KARLSSON Pet. MELANDER Stefan 0m 0a 0a (20) 0m 6a
5 ABSURD 2140 F4 KIHLSTROM Orj. WALMANN Roger Da Da Da 4a 0a 3a
6 MANUZIO HANOVER 2140 H4 JEPSON Car. J. MELANDER Stefan 0a 0a (22) 0a 6a 0a
8 ISCO BOKO Da 2140 H4 DJUSE Mat. DJUSE Mattias 0a Da 0a 0a 0a (23)
9 CELEBER Da 2140 H6 JANSSON Tor. ARVIDSSON Stefan 8a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a
10 JACKPOT TOOMA 2140 H6 IVANOV Jev. IVANOV Jevgeni 5a 1a 1a 1a 0a Da
11 SPOTLIGHT BRODDE Dp 2140 H4 SVEDBERG Mar. B. SVEDBERG Markus B 0a 5a 0a Da 9a Da
12 BEAR GIFT 2140 F4 PETTERSSON Tom. ASEBO Ola 5a 0a 2a Qa 0a
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