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5 - PRIX Breddlopp - Montéserien, Forsok 5 - R30 - P21-lopp

19h10 - 9 Runners - 2564 euros - 2140m - Monté Autostart - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 VERBEECK 2140 H6 HANDORFF MME Jes. LUOMALA Sandra 0a 0a 7a 7m Da Da
2 INDIGO KEEPER 2140 H8 GUST MME K. STENS RUNFELDT Helena 0m 3m 1m 2m 1m 0a
3 MOONS BLALJUS 2140 H9 MOLIN MME Ali. TORNLER Fredrik 0a 2a 3a 6m 0a
4 MANDO DIAO 2140 H14 ERIKSSON MME My AKERBERG Stefan 0m Dm 6m 3m 7m 0m
5 CAST FIGHTER 2140 H8 FORSEN MME L. SKOLD ANDERSSON Carola 0a 3a 7m 8a 5m
6 LONDON BOKO 2140 H6 EDLER PALSSON MME Lin. PERSSON Jennifer Dm 2a 0m 1a 2m 6a
8 SCREAMS MY NAME 2140 H7 WESTERLUND MME Nin. JOHANSSON Bernt-Ove 0a 4a 8m 0a 6m 6m
9 ACME 2140 H9 WAHLSTROM MME Lov. SUNDBERG Kerstin 0m 0a 0a 0a 4m 4m
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