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7 - PRIX Svensk Travsports Kallblodsserie

14h27 - 10 Runners - 7305 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 SINDYS TOVE 1640 F6 JOHANSSON Ste. JOHANSSON Stefan 0a 7a 0a Da 0a 6a
2 ALICE TABAC 1640 F5 LINDQVIST Mik. SJOSTROM Monica 6a 2a 6a (21) 6a 8a
3 MARODOREN 1640 H4 OSTMAN Joh. BJURMAN Jerker 6m 5a 0a 0a 3a 6a
4 POLKA VIKING 1640 F6 MELANDER Mic. FORSGREN Peter 0a 5a 0a (20) Da Da
5 DEVILJAS RONJA 1640 F4 ERIKSSON Lei. CARDIN Teresa Da Da 0a 0a (23) Da
6 HAMMARNS QRUT 1640 H5 GUSTAFSSON Per LINDMARK Cornelia (22) 3a (21) 2a 1a 1a
7 RISABERRA 1640 H5 ADIN Ber. ADIN Bertil 4a 2a Da 1a 6a 8a
8 ORION KIRO 1640 H5 SODERHOLM Kri. BJURMAN Jerker 3a 2a 0a Da 3a
9 ALVBACKA EDIT 1640 F6 BODIN MME Mar. TALLGREN Eimi (22) Da (21) 4a 6a 2a
10 STORSMALL 1640 F5 ERIKSSON Jen. ERIKSSON Jens (22) 5a 1a (21) 6a 0a
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