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9 - PRIX P21-lopp

14h57 - 9 Runners - 2719 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 TRANSACTION U.M. Da 2140 H6 OSTERLING MME Sus. H. HUISMAN Anna Karin 8m (19) 9a 3a Da 4a
2 WISE WIND 2140 H4 LENNARTSON Sor. LENNARTSON Soren 5a 6a 0a 2m 5a
3 WALLBASE D4 2160 F6 DJUSE Mat. E. SKOGLUND Rikard N 7a 8a 8a 7a Da (23)
4 SIMPLYAMONSTER AS 2160 H6 KARLSSON Vic. ERIKSSON Henrik Da 0a 6a 7a 8a Da
5 GOOGLA 2160 F9 JANZE Nic. RONNKVIST Evelina 7a 0a 0a 4a 5a 4a
6 REFLEXION 2160 H4 VIKLUND MME Mal. JOHANSSON Magnus L 0a Da 0a Da 2a 3a
7 LEONARDO VICI Da 2160 H6 AKERLUND Mar. SJOLANDER Kim 6a 0a (22) 8a 0a 0a
8 PINEWOOD MAN 2160 H5 SODERHOLM Kri. LAESTANDER Gabriella 0m 0a 0a 7a 4a 3a
9 KICKING VIKING 2160 H7 OSTMAN Joh. NORDIN Malin 0a 0a 0m 5m 8a (23)
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