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3 - PRIX Montélopp

14h31 - 12 Runners - 6565 euros - 2140m - Monté Volte - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 GINGRAS 2140 H5 MOLIN MME Ali. NORMAN Peter G 3m 0m 6m Da 6m 5a
2 MADRIKEN AV SVEDEN 2140 F9 FORSEN MME L. FORSEN Linda 0m 0a 0a 7m 0a 0a
3 QUICK RUN 2140 H5 CARRE Jon. FORSLIN Hanna 1m 2m 7a 2m 3a 0a
4 NUAGE D'INVERNE 2140 H8 LEO MME Emi. KARLSSON Lena B Dm Da 5a 0a 0a 6a
6 ZAGOR GRIF 2160 H9 HANDORFF MME Jes. HANDORFF Jessica 5m 0a 5a 1a 5a 2m
7 ZALLY GEL 2160 F6 JANSSON MME Fel. FRICK Kajsa 0m 8a 5a 0a 6a 0m
8 FIRST DATE 2160 F7 LINDKVIST MME Emm. ANDERSSON Marie 4m 3a 4m 0a 5m 8m
9 GALLIANO BRICK 2160 H6 MELBERG MME Nic. MELBERG Nicole 0m 0a 7a 1m 4m 6a
10 JEPPAS UNPLUGGED 2160 H7 WAHLSTROM MME Lov. SODERSTROM Andreas 6m 0a 5a 5a 7a 3a
11 ARES FACE 2160 H6 BJORK MME Jen. A. FORSLIN Hanna 0m 7a 5a 3a 0a 7a
12 MISSING TOOMA 2180 H8 LAURSEN MME Sag. MAHONY Paw 2m 5a 6a 3a 2m 7a
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