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9 - PRIX Stora Amatorpriset

15h57 - 12 Runners - 5387 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 DRAGALAGABOOMBOOM 2140 H5 UHRBERG Osc. EGERTOFT Helena 0a 3a 8a 4a (18) 6a
2 JETER 2140 H6 JONSSON Lar. MALMQVIST Tomas 0a 0a 5a 0a 8a 8a
3 ANGENS KRYPTONIT 2140 H8 PERSSON Ken. OLSSON Johnny 0a 8a 8a 5a 7a 8a
4 MR GORGONZOLA 2140 H7 GINMAN Osc. OSCARSSON Lars-Goran 9a 6a 4a 3a 4a 0a
5 BRILLIANCE 2140 F5 JOHANSSON Hak. B. STENSTROMER Ulf 7a 0a (18) 7a 4a 8a
6 ENDURANCE 2140 H4 ENGVALL Emi. SKOLD Stig 0a 0a (17) 0a 5a 2a
7 OTHALA 2140 F6 ARNQVIST Pet. PURO Petri 0a 2a 5a 2a (19) 6a
8 ON GOOD TERMS 2140 F6 REINESTEDT Christian ELFSTRAND Mimmi 0a 3a Da 0a 6a 5a
9 MORPHEUS 2140 H6 LARSEN MME Hen. BRONSMAN Ann-Carin 0a 6a 5a (17) Da 3a
10 DREAM DERBY 2140 H7 ANDERSSON Gor. B. HELLSTEDT Jan 8m 5a 8a 5a 8m 8m
11 HIGHSPIRIT 2140 H8 FERNLUND Pat. ANDERSEN Troels 0m 4m 0a 6a 5a
12 CALVADOS IN 2140 H5 GUSTAFSSON Tob. J. OLSSON Liselotte 6a 3a 0a 6a (20) 7a
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