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7 - PRIX Claiming

- 9 Runners - 8796 - Flat - Claiming - 3 years and plus - 1000m. (PSF)

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable Weight Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 PRINCESS HEKAWI {USA} 55.5 F4 Alex M. Cruz TIM MCCANNA 1p 1p 7p (23) 1p
2 CANDIED JOULE {USA} 56.5 F5 Silvio R. Amador JASON HOMER 3p 5p 5p 4p 3p 3p
3 LADY OF THE RIVER {USA} 56.5 F4 Brayan Pena SERGIO PEREZ 6p 3p 4p 8p 7p 1p
4 NOMI LACKEE {USA} 55.5 F4 Jose E. Rodriguez ELODIO MADRIGAL 5p 1p 5p 1p 1p 2p
5 PRINCESS PAYTON {USA} 55.5 F5 Carlos Montalvo TOM WENZEL 1p 3p 4p 3p 6p (23)
6 APRICOT BRANDY {USA} 56.5 F4 Kevin Krigger JENNIFER NUNNALLY 6p 6p 3p 1p 8p 1p
7 CAPO SORELLA {USA} 54.5 F3 Karlo Lopez SCOTT TUBBS 4p 1p 1p 5p 5p 4p
8 SPARKLE IN THE SKY {USA} 55.5 F5 Allyssa Morales JASON HOMER 4p 9p 6p 5p 9p (23)
9 CHEDOODLE RYLEE {USA} 55.5 F4 Leslie Mawing HEATH LAWRENCE 7p 5p 5p 7p 6p 8p
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