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Race Time Runners
flat PRIX Happy 80th Birthday Maureen Plews 2YO Maiden Plate 11-10-5-12-8 12
16564€ - Flat - 1200 metres - 2 years - Maiden - (PSF)
flat PRIX Global Turf Maiden Plate 3-1-2-4-11 9
16564€ - Flat - 1100 metres - 3 years and More - Maiden - (PSF)
flat PRIX Martin Collins Maiden Plate 11-5-10-1-7 10
16564€ - Flat - 2100 metres - 3 years and More - Maiden - (PSF)
flat PRIX Porter Plant BM64 Handicap 1-5-7-3-9 8
16564€ - Flat - 2100 metres - 3 years and More - Handicap Ref64 - (PSF)
flat PRIX Hygain Winners Choice BM58 Handicap 1-3-4-7-5 10
16564€ - Flat - 1100 metres - Handicap Ref58 - (PSF)
flat PRIX Sportsbet Race Replays BM70 Handicap 5-10-8-11-12 12
16564€ - Flat - 1200 metres - Handicap Ref70 - (PSF)
flat PRIX Hygain Winners Choice BM58 Handicap 4-11-9-5-3 12
16564€ - Flat - 1400 metres - Handicap Ref58 - (PSF)
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