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GB-REDCAR - the MONDAY 30 MAY 2016

Race Time Runners
flat Novice Auction Stakes 9-5-1-7-6 9
6829€ - Flat-2 years-1000m-Race track E - Piste Turf
flat High Definition On Racing UK Median Auction Maiden Stakes 1-6-8-5-10 9
6829€ - Flat-3 years-1200m-Race track E - Piste Turf
flat Congratulations Golden Ticket Winner Elizabeth Garstang Selling Stakes 11-2-8-9-4 11
5465€ - Flat-3 a 5 years-1400m-Race track F - Piste Turf
flat Racing UK Profits Returned To Racing Handicap 9-17-15-12-7 16
6829€ - Flat Handicap-3 years-1000m-Race track E - Piste Turf
flat Market Cross Jewellers Handicap 12-8-7-13-11 10
10248€ - Flat Handicap-4 years and More-2000m-Race track D - Piste Turf
flat Racing UK Zetland Gold Cup Handicap 3-10-13-11-8 12
34154€ - Flat Handicap-3 years and More-2000m-Race track B - Piste Turf
flat Come Racing Again Tomorrow Handicap (Div 1) 3-2-5-10-9 10
5465€ - Flat Handicap-4 years and More-2800m-Race track F - Piste Turf
flat Come Racing Again Tomorrow Handicap (Div 2) 2-9-5-10-1 10
5465€ - Flat Handicap-4 years and More-2800m-Race track F - Piste Turf
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